Home TA Online 2012 TA Online

2012 TA Online

Thinking Allowed Online is an avenue for writers including non-Aliran members to express themselves on current issues. The views expressed need not necessarily reflect Aliran’s official position.

History – A stepping-stone to change

Using what is learned from history as a catalyst for change might save our lives and preserve and develop what we have and know...

Corruption within vs Corruption as constitutive

in our darkest thoughts we fear that the system is itself corrupt to the core and it relies on public/official tenets of ethics and...

Policy making: ‘Are we there yet?’

Are we moving towards a progressive culture of policy making or are we being stumped by political rhetoric, wonders Running Out Of Inspiration.I...

The racial monster in our daily lives

Only when the racist monster within us is destroyed will we be free to live in peace, justice and happiness in a truly united...

The dilemma over sex and the girl child

Is marriage now going to be used as a method of escaping prosecution for statutory rape in civil courts, wonders Prema Devaraj.There seems...

Nation-building or undermining?

In an open letter to the Prime Minister, P Ramakrishnan takes to task Najib's cakap-tak-serupa-bikin rhetoric.My dear PM,You sounded like a great statesman...

Wong Chun Wai doesn’t understand essence of faith

Holding a simplistic view that faith should be kept out of politics is equivalent to saying there is no need for ethics in nation...

Ordinary, average Muslims are not easily confused – their faith is strong!

The protest against the Shah Rukh Khan movie My name is Khan has baffled P Ramakrishnan, who points out that the film has been...

Inter-religious dialogue with social substance

Are our religious leaders and followers ready for interfaith dialogue that has social substance or will they remain in interactions that are limited to...

Stop the raging bull

The BN 'bull' seems too far gone to see reason and its blind and deaf rage only confirms what the people have realised since...

Move towards spiritual values, not ethno-religious exclusivity

The future of Malaysia should be determined by progressive political parties that embrace love, compassion, justice and reconciliation rather than communalised religion, writes Ronald...

Star columnists – are they twisting the truth?

Journalists and columnists have a sacred duty to uphold truth and justice, asserts John Inbaraj.Trash it is, without a doubt. But some features...

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