Mahathir: Maverick, machiavellian or merely mainstream?
Is Mahathir a maverick, machiavellian in his ways or merely mainstream? That’s the question Maznah Mohamad poses in her review of Barry Wain’s book...
Who are the poor in Malaysia?
The poor often get a raw deal. Francis Loh observes they can be found within every ethnic group. Thus, he says, efforts to eradicate...
‘People first’ hypocrisy
Rani Rasiah takes up the theme by looking at the hypocrisy of the ‘people first’ slogan in a system which squeezes low-income workers on...
Penang Forum 2: Has anything changed after two years?
Has political change resulted in radical transformation? Anil Netto reports on Penang Forum 2, which discussed to what extent the state has moved towards...
Jottings from Penang Forum 2
Participants at the Penang Forum on 7 March 2010 were divided into three groups for brainstorming and more focused discussions. This was what they...
Aliran Monthly 30: 2 editor’s note
Mahathir Mohamad is back in the spotlight again; notably, he was the special guest at the right wing group Perkasa’s inaugural AGM in March....