Aliran is Malaysia’s first multi-ethnic reform movement dedicated to justice, freedom and solidarity. (What the name Aliran means.)
It is now a new Malaysia after four decades of struggle since Aliran was formed in 1977. Over the years, Aliran has raised awareness among the people about the need to reclaim the basic rights we had lost. This steady stream of consciousness turned into a wave during the Reformasi era in 1998-2000 as more people came out to demand meaningful change: more democratic space, greater accountability, respect for human rights, electoral reforms, fairer socioeconomic policies and ecological protection.

Aliran has identified and struggled in this natural quest for justice in all aspects of public life.
That has been the core of our struggle since the society was registered with the Registrar of Societies as Persatuan Aliran Kesedaran Negara (National Consciousness Movement Society or Aliran for short) on 25 January 1977. The organisation was then launched on 12 August the same year, making us Malaysia’s oldest human rights group.
Listed on the Roster of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (A1 – Roster Consultative Status) since 1987, Aliran has a consistent record of championing socioeconomic and democratic reforms. (Why Aliran?)